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Frequently Asked Questions

Finding the right counsellor is not always easy, and I encourage all potential clients to ask questions to find out whether we might be a good fit. Here are some things you may be wondering about, and please book a free consultation if you have other questions. 

How much does counselling cost?


Individual counselling: $140 for a 50-minute session
In person walk-and-talk counselling: $155 for a 50-minute session

Couples counselling: $200 for a 75-minute session

Saturdays at Local Health Integrative Clinic:
Individual counselling: $142 for a 50-minute session
In person walk-and-talk counselling: $142 for a 50-minute session
Couples counselling: $167 (50-minute) or $250.50 (75-minute)

* note: all prices will have GST added.

Am I covered under insurance?

Although counselling is not yet a universal health care benefit, as an RCC (Registered Clinical Counsellor) and a CCC (Certified Canadian Counsellor) I am covered under many extended health insurance plans. Please contact your insurance provider to find out whether they cover RCCs and/or CCCs. You will be issued a receipt after sessions, which you can submit to your provider for reimbursement.

Do you offer any reduced rates?

Yes. For most of my adult life, I worked in non-profits aimed at making the world a better place. I lived on a small budget for many years, and I hold this work close to my heart, so I offer a limited number of sliding scale spots for lower-income individuals who are working in environmental and social justice fields, or who have a tighter budget for other reasons. Please contact me to inquire if you need a reduced rate at this time.

Note: I currently have a wait list for reduced rate clients. Please contact me if you would like to be added to the waitlist.

Do you work with 2SLGBTQIA+ people?

Yes. I am an ally to people of all gender identities and sexual orientations, and I offer a counselling environment that is welcoming and celebrating of these parts of you. However, as a straight, cisgender woman, I may not share some of your lived experiences. If you feel that your gender identity and/or sexual orientation will be central to your work in counselling and would like to work with some one with shared lived experience, I would be happy to send you some referral ideas. If you are interested in working with me regardless, I would also love that. Please let me know!

How will we meet for sessions?

I offer counselling in person in East Vancouver, over video, and over the phone. I understand that every person has a unique set of needs when it comes to counselling, which can include schedules, accessibility, and personal preference. I am flexible, so let's find a way of meeting that works well for you.

Are your offices accessible?

For weekday in person sessions, 1654 Renfrew St. is accessed up a flight of 18 stairs. There is a hand rail but no ramp or elevator; the main door is medium weight and does not open automatically. There is a bus stop directly outside the building and parking behind.


For Saturday in person sessions, 2285 Clark Dr. is accessible by a ramp from the street level main door, or elevator from the parking lot behind the building. The buzzer pad is at (my) shoulder height and there is an automatic door button at (my) waist height.​ Skytrain and bus lines pass very nearby.

I also offer counselling virtually and over the phone so that people with varying needs have access. If you have any accessibility needs, I will discuss these with you prior to your first session.

Do you only work with people in BC?

Nope! As a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Certified Canadian Counsellor, I am able to offer virtual counselling to people in the following provinces and territories in addition to BC:

  • Alberta

  • Seskatchewan

  • Manitoba

  • Newfoundland & Labrador

  • Yukon

  • Nunavut

  • Northwest Territories

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